
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Pink Sunday #2: Silly Pink Things


Hi Friends! Welcome back to Pink Sunday where we show off all our pink finds of the week. Feel free to link up below and show off your pink stuff!

Friday morning I picked up some groceries at Walmart and encountered these adorable guitar shaped syrup bottles from Dolly Parton's breakfast food line. Super cute!

These salt and pepper shakers probably were never actually used regularly (they've still got the "magnetic" sticker on them) but they're adorable for kitschy shelf decor!

I also found this funny bunny across the aisle from the shakers. I love these jewel-eyed critters. If you do too, check out my post from Vintage Finds Friday where I feature my adorable Lefton bluebird!

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!

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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Vintage Finds Friday #2: Lefton Bluebird and a Special Book

Hi friends! It's time for Vintage Finds Friday! Link up your vintage finds and see what others are sharing!

On Sunday, Jamie took me to my favorite antique shop to browse before dinner. Shortly after we arrived, I spied and settled on this adorable Lefton bluebird --- But I didn't tell him that! I wanted to see the rest of the store! haha! 

Look at its beautiful sparkly eyes! I love this so much --- It reminds me of my grandsons with those big sweet eyes. I knew it would be so cute next to my little kitty with the same colors. It's very difficult to find Lefton bluebirds, in my experience. I've only seen two others in person!

As we walked around the store a little more, I found this robin's egg blue bowl and that sealed the deal. I'm going to make some cute fabric bowl fillers to put inside in matching pinks and it's just going to be the most gorgeous display! I love it all!

Last Friday I spent the day with my friend Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage. She gave me this sweet vintage 1935 copy of Anne of Green Gables. So kind! She hadn't even finished reading it, but had a newer copy and knew I loved vintage books. What a generous friend!

Thanks for visiting today! Have a great weekend!

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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

It's Time for The Homemaking Party!

Hi friends! Welcome to The Homemaking Party! I'm excited to see what everyone has to share!
This week has been fun and busy as we have had a productive school week and I've been redecorating for Spring. I'll share what I've done in Friday's and Sunday's posts. 

Every Sunday Jamie and I go out for the afternoon and evening. Usually we just get dinner and snacks and then come home to watch TV. It's the only time during the week that we stop long enough to watch TV --- Haha! This week, though, he took me to my favorite antique shop first. We had such a nice time looking around and I saw so many adorable things I'd love to have! This sweet "Miss Dainty" set was in the same booth as the prize I ultimately ended up purchasing --- I'll show you that tomorrow for Vintage Finds Friday!

Friday night, 13 year old Kynthia made this delicious chocolate mint cake for our Shabbat dinner. It was fantastic --- truly. My mom told me that my great grandma always added an extra egg to any cake recipe. I told this to Kynthia and she made the change and it was really the very best homemade cake that's ever been made in this house! Yum! Grammy was right!

Our Avalon Grace turned 16 on March 1st! Unbelievable! We usually have daffodils in bloom all over the forest by her birthday and we've made it a tradition to go pick them on her special day. This year, however, we'd just experienced a big freeze so we had to postpone. Then she got sick. Finally on Tuesday we were able to go out and gather a bouquet.

I also filmed this reading update for my BookTube channel and talked about what I've read so far in March. You can watch that here: Mid-March Reading Check In.

Those are some of the things that are going on around our home this week. What have you been up to?

Hope you're having a happy week!


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